About the Friends of Matheson Memorial Library
The Friends of Matheson Memorial Library is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping the library serve the community. Through fundraising and member support, MML can offer materials, services and programs which are not funded through our regular budget. Membership is open to anyone who wishes to offer more support for MML. Membership levels include: $10 individual, $15 family or $100 lifetime. Membership forms are available at the MML Circulation Desk or can be downloaded. Questions can be emailed to: friends@elkhorn.lib.wi.us .

The Friends of Matheson Memorial Library meet the 4th Wednesday of the even numbered months at 6:30pm. Items discussed include: past fundraisers, new fundraisers, membership and how to spend the money raised.

How the Friends Have Contributed the Library
In the past the Friends of MML have purchased a disk cleaning and resurfacing machine so we can clean and repair our DVDs and CDs, a colorful rug for the Children’s Story Room, and furniture for the Young Adult Area. They donated funds to purchase a wooden table and chair set for the children’s area, a play cube and puzzles, and a new magazine display and shelving unit for children’s magazines. The friends also did a large fundraising campaign to raise funds for an drive up book return which was successful installed in the fall of 2011. More recently, the Friends, along with the library and the Elkhorn Rotary Club raised $10,000 to equip the Community Center with a new screen and high resolution projector for showing films and hosting presentations.

How the Friends Raise Money

  • The Friends Book Store is now open year-round at the library! Stop by the “Fireplace Room” to pick up great used books, audiobooks and movies. Hardcover books, audiobooks, DVDs and CDs are only $1.00; Paperback books, VHS, Young Adult and Childrens books are only $0.50! New materials are added to the shelves weekly so shop often! All proceeds support library programs and materials.
  • The next semi-annual Book Sale (2022) will be held in March. Mark your calendars for great deals on used books.
  • Canvas Bag Fundraiser: The Friends sell sturdy canvas book bags with their logo proudly displayed. The canvas bags are a bargain at just $8.00 each.

Updated Book Donation Policy (March 10, 2025)
The Friends of Matheson Memorial Library welcome your book donations only on these Saturdays: April 19, May 17, and June 21 (future dates to be announced). All funds generated by the ongoing Friends Book Store and semi-annual Book & Bake sales support programs and projects at Matheson Memorial Library.

  • Adult and Children’s hardback and paperback books
  • Music CDs
  • Audiobooks on CD
  • DVD and Blu-Ray Movies (no VHS)

Regretfully, we cannot sell and cannot accept: Musty, dirty or damaged items, Textbooks, Computer or technical books over two years old, Records, Encyclopedias, Professional Journals (examples: AMA, Law, Engineering, Accounting) and Magazines. Also unacceptable are any materials missing pages, covers, materials that have suffered water damage, or any materials that exude a musty or smoky odor.

If you have any questions regarding your donation or have a large number of items to donate, please contact the library at 262-723-2678. We gladly issue receipts for donations but ask that you establish the items’ value.